TMR Consulting Group, LLC


Which Service is right for you?

Which Service Is Right For You?

If you are interested in finding more about your strengths and how you can use them in your current career or to achieve your personal goals, I can offer you Gallup Strengths coaching. If you have your full Gallup 34 report, I can walk you through reading and understanding your report.

If you are looking to change careers and aren’t sure where to start, schedule a consultation and let’s review your resume and discuss your experience. You may also want to take the Gallup Strengths 34 survey to help you understand yourself and your strengths better.

If you are a small business looking for some HR support, but you are not ready to commit to a full-time HR employee yet, I can help! We can customize your needs and decide on a plan that’s right for you. Whether it’s a project, handbook, policy or general training we can fit your needs.

Schedule a free consultation today!