• Career Coaching

    If you are among the thousands of employees who quit during the great resignation, hats off to you! Now what? Have you found your dream job or started your own business? Are you at a standstill trying to figure it all out? Let me guide you through rebuilding your resume and coaching you through making your passions work for you. If you could do anything in the world, what would you be doing now? How can I help you make your dreams a reality?

  • HR Consulting

    Human Resources is an essential function of any business and without it many companies fail. Having the right policies right from the start could save you thousands of dollars in litigation in the long run. Having an HR expert guide you through creating policies and procedures and training your management staff to be people leaders doesn’t have to be costly or cumbersome. Not having HR guide your small business is not something you can afford to skip.

  • Gallup Strengths Coaching

    If you’ve taken your Gallup 34 Strengths assessment, congrats to you! You’ve taken your first step in learning more about YOU! The Strengths assessment can be daunting upon first glance but there are some hidden gems in those pages. I’d love to assist you with dissecting your Strengths report and putting it to work in both your personal and professional life. There’s so much to explore about you in your assessment. Let’s unpack it together.